Thursday, September 22, 2011

Of Gods and Minions

Por caprichos das Moiras, o Darian viu-se perante uma situação inimaginável em que sem realmente pensar teve que matar o seu amigo para salvar o seu filho.

Da traição culminada apareceu a intrigante figura da Irina -- como se identificou. Por uma estranho sentimento protetor pouco característico de si, deteve-se o tempo necessário para garantir a segurança do bebé que a puxou para o templo profano.

A noite que se seguiu foi fria, mas calma e relaxante. Pequenas desventuras introduziram-na à vida noturna de Waterdeep. Desenvencilhou-se como pôde, procurando teto, comida e moedas de troca.

Manteve-se propositadamente discreta. Durante os dois dias que se seguiram (1), a Irina tratou do essencial para si, mas mantendo sempre um pensamento constante do fugaz e muito estranho encontro que a levara para ali.

Aquela cidade parecia oferecer o refúgio de que necessitava, mas precisava de garantias.

Não tencionava originalmente aceitar o convite do Darian, mas seguindo o concelho de uma antiga amiga do rapaz, acabou por o ir visitar.

Consigo levará a proposta de resgatar o espírito do Galrion. Em contra-partida, solicitará o apoio de quem a acompanhar no resgate de um item entrincheirado numa das profundezas do Abismo.

Com isto, a história precipita-se por caminhos bastante diferentes. O que se seguirá irá dar origem a uma spin-off de Vola's mestrada por mim.

A história que vos proponho viver tem o título deste post e toca este mesmo tópico. Gostaria de vos apresentar situações atípicas e que colocarão em causa o conhecimento da Vida e do Universo (pelo menos sob o ponto de vista de D&D).

A proposta estende-se a vocês e a quem mais acharem que possa achar graça ao que proponho. O setting diferirá consideravelmente do que temos jogado até agora. Teremos demónios e anjos à mistura; Teremos Deuses e outros poderes equivalentes; Teremos viagens extra-planares; Teremos toda uma série de situações novas.

Poderão escolher usar as vossas personagens, mas por se tratar de um spin-off, estão à vontade para produzir outras personagens, no mesmo nível da vossa personagem de Vola's atual.

O ênfase desta história está na estória, mas irão haver batalhas e serão difíceis. Tenham isso em consideração se quiserem fazer novas personagens.

Porque estou a sofrer de "RPG Withdrawal" vou estabelecer que iremos jogar a um dia fixo por mês. Preciso para isso das vossas disponibilidades / preferências.
Peço desculpa ao Cavaleiro e ao Johnny por os estar a excluir à partida.

Se quiserem poderão trazer novos jogadores... irei é limitar o número de jogadores a 5, pelo que os demais serão escolhidos para sair. O critério é totalmente arbitrário e muito influenciável pelo número de gomas que me oferecerem! :P

(1) - Para os que se lembrarem a Irina foi convidada pelo Darian a visitá-lo no dia seguinte. Ela não foi. Apareceu apenas no final do 3º dia.

UPDATE: Poderei a estar a ser um pouco críptico no que vos esperará. Peço desculpa. Estou disponível para vos esclarecer um a um as vossas dúvidas. Mandem-me por e-mail.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The slumber is over... a calling for smaller gods

I, Ao, hereby summon thee, smaller gods of Toril, to an assembly with the purpose of watching the actions of the mortal group known as 'The Vola's Companions'.

The assembly will be held on the alternate material plane of Sol III, more precisely at Anjos in the Republic of Portugal on the nineteenth of July of 2009 AD, the local calendar.

The exact time of the assembly is yet to be announced.

Failure of attendance will result into fiery torment in Baator for seven millennia.
However due to the alignment of the stars, the titerer of Govannon is allowed to skip this meeting

Your omniscient friend.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Another Summoning of Smaller Gods

I, Ao, hereby summon thee, smaller gods of Toril, to an assembly with the purpose of watching the actions of the mortal group known as 'The Vola's Companions'.

The assembly will be held on the alternate material plane of Sol III, more precisely at Fogueteiro in the Republic of Portugal on the twentieth eight of October of 2006 AD, the local calendar.

The exact time of the assembly is yet to be announced.

Failure of attendance will result into fiery torment in Baator for five millennia.

Your omniscient friend.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Introducing... Govannon, the Mighty Orc slayer

It was the 3rd day of Alturiak, Year of Rogue Dragons and both Galrion and Kala were at Waterdeep.

By then Galrion had taken his time to restock his supplies and Kala was organizing her finances, when they received a message, magically imprinted on a bird, from Elerium who briefly requested their presence in the High Forest. They decided to resolve all ongoing business with multiple people in the city and managed to get ready for the journey in the same day. Galrion decided to take Vola, the displacer beast, in order to continue its training.

Because of the harsh winter conditions and of the dangers outside ofthe city borders, they managed to get an arrangement with a caravan master so they could accompany it, thus offering both parties the protection of numbers until they parted reach the High Forest. With this arrangement agreed upon, the linen-transportation caravan started its journey, where acquaintances were made and experiences shared bythe fires, whenever camp was settled at night. There were quite a group of adventurers in the caravan guard, led by a sturdy dwarf warrior, named Tharkin.

Days went by with no problem whatsoever and in one day they would reach the High Forest, where they would part the caravan and go their own way. However, that day the caravan was to be attacked. All of a sudden, the caravan was surrounded by orcish creatures and one of the guards gave the alarm - a battle ensued. The guards stood well their ground, but one by one they kept falling. Kala lept early and unprepared into battle, in noble clothing, although that didn't stop her from heavily staining the grounds with orc blood on one side of the caravan. Meanwhile, on the other side, due to the rapidly escalating numerical inferiority, Galrion opted to summon some fellow, furry, wild creatures to aid in the battle, along with Vola. However, the leader of this attack group chose to pound him heavily and, although he managed to best him, he was still surrounded by orcs and heavily wounded, and eventually he lost enough blood to be unable to keep conscious, so he fell. At this point, one of the few caravan guards named Govannon (a half-elf rogue who in the meantime they had become acquainted with) finished off the orcs that had been keeping him busy and ultimately put an end to the ones left near Galrion. By this time, Tharkin had fallen to the enemy, who were blasted into oblivion by Kala's magical missiles.

Right in the end of battle, as the few remaining orcs fled the horrendous battlefield, Elerium, who was out hunting orcs, found this scenario and joined the survivors down there, where he greeted his old friends and was introduced to Govannon, shortly after Kala applied a health potion to Galrion's wounds and woke him up. Upon realizing that they were the sole survivors of this attack, they decided to search for anything that might prove useful for them, then pile up and burn the bodies, to prevent the proliferation of diseases. They found three small flasks with a viscous dark liquid within, which in the end they decided to bury, to prevent from harming anyone, although they never got to know what it was.

Elerium revealed the intent of his message was merely to invite them to go orc hunting, since there had been many orcish activities there.The four remained together for some time hunting some of these orc groups. Govannon remained with the group until they returned to Waterdeep to go take care of pending businesses (and he showed on more than one occasion that his personality was that of a lone person, who will not work in a team for a very long time).

Monday, January 30, 2006

The ascencion of a new God

A new smaller god has ascended in this realm.

Welcome Govannon Darkbane, God of "I'll check that man's pockets... I mean breath."

Friday, October 07, 2005

Summoning of Smaller Gods

I, Ao, hereby summon thee, smaller gods of Toril, to an assembly with the purpose of watching the actions of the mortal group known as 'The Vola's Companions'.

The assembly will be held on the alternate material plane of Sol III, more precisely at the Republic of Portugal on the first of November of 2005 AD, the local calendar.

The exact place and time of assembly is still to be announced.

Failure of attendance will result into fiery torment in Baator for five millennia.

Your omniscient friend.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Once again, loot!

Bom, desculpem a demora do post, mas não tenho andado pelo PC... Enfim, aqui vão os valores da venda do loot. Há dois separados, visto que isto está tudo atrasado aos eventos in character.

Da primeira venda de items (isto é, antes de sairmos em busca deste exercito), temos um total de dinheiro de 20,966 gp para toda a gente (incluindo Kerith e Eleriom) menos o Galrion (a quem foi dado mais do dobro para substituir o equipamento perdido).
Da segunda venda (esta mais recente, quando voltámos a Waterdeep), são uns meros 1,250 gp.
Use it wisely, your lives may depend on it.

As gems, voto por as guardarmos, pelo menos por agora. Temos uma boa quantidade, mais de 14,000 gps, mas acho melhor ficarem para qualquer eventualidade... Além disso, não dá assim tanto quando dividido por todos. Se alguém quiser comprar alguma gem (nomeadamente o Karnak, que tem uma black pearl ainda por pagar), digam que eu mando a lista e os preços (as appraised by yours truly, Darian Larson).
Havia também alguma arte, que vendi excepto as peças já requeridas. Ficou:
obsidian cup (399 gp) -> Karnak
ivory earring (actually unicorn's horn) (847 gp) -> Karnak
crystal music box (300 gp) -> Darian
granite bust of Tymora (887 gp) -> não o quero, mas penso doar à igreja. de qualquer maneira, parece-me que se calhar nos ia faltar sorte se fizessemos lucro com isto...
steel crown with inlays and engravings (1077 gp) -> de onde quer que seja, é uma coroa, pode ser que a queiram de volta... além disso pode dar jeito nalguma situação diplomática...

Your friend and merchant extraordinaire,
Darian Larson

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Waterdeep Herald

26th Day of Tarsakh, Year of Rogue Dragons

Blazing Night

An increasing number of fires have been plaguing our fair city lately. The most recent fire occurred on the beautiful Garden of Silvanus in the Sea Ward. If not for the rapid intervention of fire crew more then half of the garden, as well as the whole temple, might have been lost.

When we consulted the senior officer on the scene, Civilar Lisheart of the City Watch, he declared that while the arsonists are yet to be identified, the authorities have gathered clues and those authorities expect to reach a conclusion on the identity of the arsonists very soon. Magists have been seen on the scene, casting spells to aide the investigation.

As the civilar went on the investigation, many citizens gathered around the ashes. Mr. Arkind, a half-elven accountant shakes his head as he contemplate such dread scenario, "It was most beautiful garden in all Waterdeep, why would anyone do such a thing?" he asks us. Many people used to go for the garden for relaxation. Now they grief for this great lost to the city. Mr. Arkind told us he and his love used to walk that garden for the past 45 years once every tenday. Recently Mr. Arkind lost his love, but he kept on coming to the garden. "It was the memories that it brought to me that gave me strength to carry on with my live. Now what am I supposed to do?"

Like Mr. Arkind many more lost the havens and lover's corners here within the city. Indeed a great loss to the city.

Wave of refugees arrive at Waterdeep

In the last few days hundreds of people has arrived at Waterdeep fleeing some unknown danger.
According to some reports, they are fleeing an invading army. According to others an undead gathering as attacked some villages and thus forced the flight. Truth is most of the refugees just took caution and fled their homes as others took way of Waterdeep. Refugee Commissioner Ralph Danus declared to the Herald "We are taking care of the refugees, lodging them at specific locations previously arranged for such occasions. As for the causes of this flight, I am told that the Council of Lords is looking into the matter."

Three youngsters die mysteriously.

This morning horror arrived at Darselune Street.
In one of the alleys couple of passersby discovered a grim spectacle: the corpses of three youngsters, one of them a dwarf were laid in the ground, disembowelled, with their carbonised entrails carefully piled next to them.

Near to the youngsters were arsonist's materials. Since the last fire outbreaks within the confinements of the city, including last night's blaze at the Gardens of Silvanus, the City Watch has been on the hunt for an arsonist or perhaps several working together.

In declarations to the Herald,Civilar Mislen said, "We think these youngsters surprised the arsonist or arsonists, much to their unlucky fate."

Yet, the some citizens that gathered by the place of the crime seem to have a much darker version of the events saying that most probably the arsonist's kits found most probably belonged to the kids and that they were killed by one or more people who obviously served some kind of evil cult with some twisted sense of irony as the entrails of the dead youngsters were piled next to them, carbonized.

When asked Civilar Mislen dismissed the possibility of a cult as this seemed to be an impromptu work. "Cults, evil cults, usually do their sacrifices with much more preparation and clear selection of victims. This does not seem the case, yet we are looking up every evidence to this horrific murder."

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Current Game Date

The current game date is:
All Characters: 26th day of Tarsakh, Year of Rogue Dragons

Friday, July 29, 2005

Current Game Date (obsolete)

The (corrected) current game date is:
All Characters: 22nd day of Tarsakh, Year of Rogue Dragons

Monday, July 25, 2005


Bem, isto não é muito merecedor do blog, mas como este tem estado parado, aqui vai. Pois bem, já tivemos, in character, tempo para proceder a compras e afins. Que eu saiba, ainda não o fizemos foi out-of-character... O Galrion, nomeadamente, está a precisar de uns "trapinhos" novos, depois do seu encontro imediato com o Vlad... Que me dizem a tratarmos disto por aqui, em vez de tomarmos metade do tempo da próxima sessão?

- o loot to red wizard que nos atacou perto de Evereska
- o loot do dragão branco em Ten Towns
- 100,000 gp (woo!), cortesia do pai mais ausente deste multiverso

Ficámos de tirar uma boa maquia para repor equipamento ao Galrion. Tinha-lhe até dado a minha armadura, uma studded leather +3 of lightning resistance, que segundo me consta gerou alguma confusão na vossa última sessão. Queria também vender certos items pessoalmente (como tu costumavas fazer na minha campanha, Nuno).
Distribuímos também muitos items na última missão. Para ter a certeza de que nada fica perdido, a lista vai com o que marquei como novo "dono" de cada item. Se quiserem, podem verificar.

Red Wizard:
rod of Cancellation <- ficou para a party
bracers of armor +5 <- Kala
cloak of cold resistance (10)
sigil (amulet) <- suponho que isto seja um símbolo dos Red Wizards, e não mágico. assim sendo, acho que é de guardar (mesmo que fosse mágico também acho que era de guardar)

White Dragon:
12,000 gp
ring of greater energy resistance (fire)
gloves of dexterity +4 <- Kala
ring of protection +3 <- Kala
ring of defense +3 <- Karnak
cloak of resistance +4
<- Eleriom
ring of protection +2 <- Eleriom
rod of paralysis
<- Kerith
dagger +2 Keen <- Darian
dagger +1 (Silvanus)
<- Galrion
ring of protection +1
<- Galrion
cloak of resistance +1
<- Galrion
bracers of armor +3
<- Galrion

Os três últimos items do Galrion foram, salvo erro, pós-Vlad, de forma a colmatar a falta de equipamento. Deverão, portanto, ainda estar com ele (salvo eventos da última sessão, à qual infelizmente não fui). Galrion, tinhas, se não me engano, uma wishlist de coisas para a personagem. Se calhar era de por aqui, e discutiamos a fatia do bolo que te compete para teres essas coisas...

Há ainda uma lista, algo extensa, de peças de arte e gemas, que espero que o nosso Ao tenha algures com os seus respectivos valores monetários. Se pudesses fazer o post, agradecia. Se alguém quiser alguma da arte, que diga. Eu pessoalmente tinha ficado com uma caixa de música para dar à Kala, mas acho que vai ficar de recordação...

Bom, acabo por aqui. Digam se se quiserem desfazer de algum item ou quiserem outro da lista. Prometo voltar, com um post mais digno e in-character, espero eu que lá para o final da semana. Até lá, fiquem bem!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Waterdeep Herald

15th Day of Tarsakh, Year of Rogue Dragons

"We are ready to start the Festival."

Those words are from Jon Vilific, this year's responsible for the Summer Festival.
"This year we started the preparations still in Alturiak, so we will start the festival by the first of Kythorn as specified."
The declarations came after some citizens raised the subject of last year's late starting due to organization problems.
"Last year problems won't repeat this year. We would start tomorrow if needed. All preparations are done, now we just have to wait for the start date."
Mr. Vilific ended is declarations with an hint that this years attractions will include representatives from all over Faerun.

The Lords' Council approved more taxes

Due to the increased importation of some materials as exotic woods and stones, the Lords Council Cabinet approved yesterday a law that increases the taxes on those goods.
Marxil Vuenfar, chairman of the Merchant's Association already reacted, filling an official protest with the Cabinet claiming the increase of losses on the market of exotic woods and stones.

Green Feather strikes again

Last night, another shop was ravaged, and emptied of it's contents.
This occurred to Lester's Jewelry, on the Castle Ward.
As other occurrences in the last few months, there are no witnesses to the robbery, but a single green feather was left on the counter of the shop.
The city guard has yet to declare anything on this case.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Morning Rises

It's been a long time since the "real-world" companions were last together and it might take some time until they reunite, so until then let's meet here at this world-connecting net...